Following is a presentation from the recent AusFenEx19 by speaker Andrew Klein, discussing how to connect with your target audience at a time when there is a barrage of ‘noise’ coming from everywhere.
How do you make your products and services stand out?
Be realistic about how much information can be delivered in a short amount of time. Many pitches and presentations contain so much information that your target audience is left wondering “what is the key message?” Or they leave being so overwhelmed with facts and figures, that they can’t clearly recall your central message. Develop an obsession with explaining as simply as possible what you do and what your offering is all about.
Decide on your ONE OVER-ARCHING MESSAGE and then 3 or so key messages. Make sure they are front and centre in your pitch, and ensure all other facts, figures and examples are connected to those key messages and repeat them several times throughout.
The success to getting your message across lies in effectively engaging with your audience. Let the audience know some things about you to help the engagement process.
So use stories, anecdotes or examples from your own life and experiences that allow the audience to get to know you. Once they feel they know you a bit, they will be more likely to pay attention to (and hopefully act on) your key messages. Passion and enthusiasm are the key – don’t give your ‘audience’ the opportunity to get bored or switch off.
Most presenters are very different people when presenting, compared to how they are outside of work. If you’re able to be a similar person “off-stage and on”, you’re then able to deliver a more targeted, engaging pitch. Too often, people leave the colourful aspects of their personality behind when they are in pitch mode.
If you’re able to tap into that, and reveal some of your personality, you’re more likely to engage with the client or audience. The key is to be AUTHENTIC and let your personality come off.
Your audience sees, hears and reads information and attends pitches and presentations constantly. They are being pitched to all the time. What will you do so your message stands out? Always ask “Is there anything we can do to be a little bit different in the way we pitch our messages?”
In this age of message bombardment, emails, social media, meetings etc, how and why are your target audience going to listen to your message? How will you cut through all the noise? Are your clients, customers, members, etc reading your communications? Is video the tool that might help you cut through?
A pitch does not take place in the library of the mind, it takes place in the theatre of the heart. So facts and content are important – but making an emotional connection is vital.
Remember you are ALWAYS pitching yourself and your organisation. On the phone, at networking functions, during meetings, at lunch during conferences – as well as the more formal meeting pitch or presentation. You and the organisation you represent are always being judged, assessed and critiqued by your “audience.”